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Hundreds or founders, investors and mentors have participated in 5 by 5 Startup programs including our webinars, workshops, accelerators, demo day events and training. Here is what some of them have to say...

This program has significantly enhanced my understanding of business and how to effectively present my ideas to investors. Through the program, I have sharpened my pitching, communication, and presentation skills. Undoubtedly, 5 by 5 Startup has been life-changing for me, and I wholeheartedly recommend it to all aspiring startups founders.

Orkun Karabasoglu
CEO, Visutate, Inc.

5 by 5 Startups provided an excellent curriculum of B2B sales insights, communication skills and investor relations. Also, good news! After the program we've closed a follow-on investment from our current angel investor. I strongly recommend this program to especially founders from 3rd world or first-time founders.

Ali Dursun
CEO, Ratic

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